Saturday, August 21, 2010

Rapid Development of Web Pages

Yesterday, I set myself to develop a simple web application and targeted an hour for it. I used VS 2010 for my development purpose.

The application will do the following:
  • List a set of users
  • List a set of books
  • Perform a simple search on the Users vs. Books borrowed (through IDs)
  • Allow users to borrow & return books. Entries to be made accordingly
The output turned out to be something like this:

The following three layers were considered:
  1. Database
  2. Data Access Layer
  3. UI/Presentation Layer
For brevity, I chose to ignore the Business Layer and any Service Layer.

Database Layer
Here I created a DB called Library and added three tables with the following constraints. The image below is self explanatory as to what each of these table do.

Data Access Layer
This was going to be a class library. I could have chosen to have this merged with the Web Application. But, thought adding some amount of modularizing won't hurt. 
Here I chose to add an ADO.Net Entity Data Model. This will give a data access view of the tables in your .Net application. Follow the steps below to create it:
Add New Item on the DAL > Visual Studio C# Items > Data > ADO.Net Entity Data Model > Specify a valid Model name say, LibraryModel.edmx and go to the next page.
Select Generate from Database and go to the next page.
Select the Database connection and rest leave it with defaults. You may want to change the Identifier for the connection string that will go to App.Config/Web.Config. Say, LibraryEntities
Select the Tables you would want to make it visible in the .Net application and specify the Model namespace say, LibraryModel and click on Finish.

Your class library should look something like this:

Now, I simply created a simple Facade to wrap some operations of the DB operations. I called that class as LibraryManager.cs
This class used Linq to Entities for faster development towards the tables. 

The file looked something like this:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace DataAccess
    public class LibraryManager
        private LibraryEntities dbContext;

        public LibraryManager()
            dbContext = new LibraryEntities();

        public List GetBooksList()
            var query = from p in dbContext.tblBooks
                        select p;
            return query.ToList();

        public List GetUsersList()
            var query = from p in dbContext.tblUsers
                        select p;
            return query.ToList();

        public bool AddBook(tblBook book)
            return true;

        public bool AddUser(tblUser user)

            return true;

        public bool BorrowBook(int nBookId, int nUserId, DateTime date)
            tblUserBook userBook = new tblUserBook();
            userBook.nBookId = nBookId;
            userBook.nUserId = nUserId;
            userBook.sBorrowedDate = date;

            return true;

        public List SearchBorrowedItemsByBookAndUser(int nBookId, int nUserId)
            var query = from p in dbContext.tblUserBooks
                        where (p.nBookId == nBookId && p.nUserId == nUserId)
                        select p;
            return query.ToList();

        public bool ReturnBook(int nUserBookId, DateTime date)
            tblUserBook userBook = dbContext.tblUserBooks.Single(p => p.nId == nUserBookId);
            userBook.sReturnedDate = date;

            return true;

UI/Presentation Layer
Here I just created a simple Web Application and added a new item "Web Form using a master page" called User.aspx which is tied to the default master page.

In order to access the Database through the Entity Framework, you need to have the connection string set in your web.config.
Copy the connection string from the App.config of your Data Access Layer to your web.config

User.aspx had the following controls
Grid views to show a list of Users, Books & User vs Books Search results
Other simple controls to perform Borrow and Return book feature

Important to highlight is to see how easy it is to bind the List returned from DAL into the Grid.

Observe the ones highlighted in bold below.

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Users.aspx.cs" Inherits="Library.Users" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeadContent" runat="server">
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
    <asp:GridView ID="gvUsers" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false">
       <asp:BoundField HeaderText="ID" DataField="nId" />
       <asp:BoundField HeaderText="Name" DataField="sName" />

    <br />

    <asp:GridView ID="gvBooks" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false">
       <asp:BoundField HeaderText="ID" DataField="nId" />
       <asp:BoundField HeaderText="Name" DataField="sName" />
       <asp:BoundField HeaderText="ISBN" DataField="sISBN" />
       <asp:BoundField HeaderText="Is Active" DataField="bActive" />

    <br />
    <asp:Label ID="lblBorrowMessage" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label>
    <br />
    <td><asp:Label ID="lblSearchBookId" runat="server" Text="BookId"></asp:Label></td>
    <td><asp:TextBox ID="txtSearchBookId" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></td>
    <td><asp:Label ID="lblSearchUserId" runat="server" Text="UserId"></asp:Label></td>
    <td><asp:TextBox ID="txtSearchUserId" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></td>
    <td><asp:Button ID="btnSearchBookUserId" runat="server" Text="Search"
            onclick="btnSearchBookUserId_Click" /></td>
    <td><asp:Button ID="btnBorrowBook" runat="server" Text="Borrow" onclick="btnBorrowBook_Click"
    <br />
    <asp:GridView ID="gvBookUserId" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false">
       <asp:BoundField HeaderText="ID" DataField="nId" />
       <asp:BoundField HeaderText="Borrowed Date" DataField="sBorrowedDate" />
       <asp:BoundField HeaderText="Returned Date" DataField="sReturnedDate" />

    <br />
    <asp:Label ID="lblReturnMessage" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label>
    <br />
    <td><asp:Label ID="lblReturnBook" runat="server" Text="BookUserId"></asp:Label></td>
    <td><asp:TextBox ID="txtBookUserId" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></td>
    <td><asp:Button ID="btnReturnBook" runat="server" Text="Return"
    <br />


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

using DataAccess;

namespace Library
    public partial class Users : System.Web.UI.Page
        private LibraryManager libraryMgr;

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            libraryMgr = new LibraryManager();
            gvUsers.DataSource = libraryMgr.GetUsersList();
            gvBooks.DataSource = libraryMgr.GetBooksList();

            lblBorrowMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
            lblBorrowMessage.Text = "";

        protected void btnSearchBookUserId_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int nBookId = Convert.ToInt32(txtSearchBookId.Text.Trim());
            int nUserId = Convert.ToInt32(txtSearchUserId.Text.Trim());
            gvBookUserId.DataSource = libraryMgr.SearchBorrowedItemsByBookAndUser(nBookId, nUserId);

        protected void btnBorrowBook_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int nBookId = Convert.ToInt32(txtSearchBookId.Text.Trim());
            int nUserId = Convert.ToInt32(txtSearchUserId.Text.Trim());
            if (libraryMgr.BorrowBook(nBookId, nUserId, DateTime.Now))
                lblBorrowMessage.Text = @"Data has been successfully recorded. Have fun reading.";
                lblBorrowMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
                lblBorrowMessage.Text = @"There was an error while trying to Borrow the Book.
                                        Contact the Administrator.";
                lblBorrowMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

        protected void btnReturnBook_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int nBookUserId = Convert.ToInt32(txtBookUserId.Text.Trim());
            if (libraryMgr.ReturnBook(nBookUserId, DateTime.Now))
                lblReturnMessage.Text = @"Data has been successfully recorded. Hope you had fun reading.";
                lblReturnMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
                lblReturnMessage.Text = @"There was an error while trying to Return the Book.
                                        Contact the Administrator.";
                lblReturnMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

Just to ramp up, things that helped me in achieving my one hour target was:
  • Using Mangement Studio for SQL Server 2008
  • Creating ADO.Net Entity Data Model
  • Using LINQ to do CRUD on the table data
  • Using Grids and Binding data
Two links worth mentioning are: 

Well just a little more than a hour, i was able to develop what I set out for. So Mission accomplished :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Centralized Content Type Hub for publishing

This article will demonstrate the steps to create a central repository for storing all the content types in a single Site collection and allow it to be used by all the Site Collections (from any Web Application in the farm).

This feature is new in SharePoint 2010. In MOSS third party components had to be used to achieve this kind of support.

In order to achieve the below steps needs to be followed:
1. Configure the Metadata Service Application (Properties). Type the site collection URL which will be used for publishing all the Content Types. Make up your mind to use that site collection as a Hub as there is no modifying feature of the hub. You will have to create another Metadata Service Application to change the hub.

Ex of URL is http://mtalt005:85/sites/hub/

2. Configure the Connection of the Metadata Service Application (Properties). You can find this below the Managed Metadata Service Application. Enable the Site collections to be able to consume Content Types from the above hub.

3. Enable the Site Collection Feature "Content Type Syndication Hub" of the Hub Site collection.

4. Now create a Content Type in the hub site collection. Site Settings > Site Content Types > Create
Say, you give an AircraftImage whose Parent Content Type is an Image from the Digital Asset Content Types group.

5. Once the Content Type is created you will be able to publish them for other site collections to consume. To publish, go to the content type created and under the settings "Manage Publishing for this content type" select OK. If it is already published then you will have options to unpublish (existing content types consumed will de-linked and become local copies) or republish (in case of updates to the content type). All subscriptions are driven by the timer jobs.

The below Jobs have to be started forcibly (through Run Now) or wait till the scheduled time.
Central Admin > Monitoring > Review Job Definitions.
Content Type Hub 
Content Type Subscriber 

Note: You may still need to wait until the previous jobs are run. It is a queue basis. So have patience.
If you don't see the jobs running then, Ensure that the SharePoint timer is running. Check your Windows Service status of "SharePoint 2010 Timer".
This is the cpu intensive service. I always prefer to keep it OFF on my dev box.

6. Once the Synchronization is done you should be able to see the Content Types in any of the Site collections (Team Sites) from any web application that has been configured for the Subscription (i.e the Content Type Subscriber Job for that web application has run).
To see the subscribed list of Content Types,
Site Settings > Site Collection Administration > Content Type Publishing

With this now you are ready to have a centralized Content Type publishing. This will help you in managing the updates for each of the content types.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Usability Enhancing features in SharePoint 2010

Some of usability features that I came across in SharePoint 2010:

You can click on the Edit (Page Ribbon button) and add content inline while viewing the page. Use the format Text to help in formatting the font and color of the text.

The Insert Ribbon at the Edit mode gives a nice set of capabilities that enhances the authoring capabilities. 

You can now,
  • Add an external Link, On click of which will browse the page to that link.
  • Point to an Internal SharePoint List Item. To do this just type [[ in the Edit mode. You can follow the intellisense to the required list item. In view mode, On click of it, will show the List item in a Ajax enabled dialog. Hence keeps you within the context of the page and also showing the content of the List item. You Upload a document in a dialog and provide the link to it.
  • Upload an image into one of the document libraries from local computer and get them rendered inline on the page.
  • Link an image from an external (Internet) source and render them inline on the page.

The Designer ribbon gets enabled when working with Images. You could do some basic digital manipulation on images like setting the aspect ratio, borders & positioning on the page.

These are some of the capabilities that has made Rich content authoring in SharePoint 2010 easy.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Windows Workflow Foundation 3.5 Overview

Any business process with predefined set of tasks/activities is a good candidate for Workflow. Especially, that takes time between each task like approval process, waiting on external events to be triggered like file drop or based on a new request from client through say SharePoint list item added.

Without workflow, the processes (applications) had to have its instance always waiting which wasted a lot of CPU cycles. WF provides capability to share the data between each task of the workflow instance. Ability to persist the state enables the application to be stopped when waiting on an event and again be invoked when the event occurs. It is not required for all the activities in a particular instance of a workflow to be executed by the same thread or even the same process.

Good Use Case would be for ASP.Net pages. They can be modeled in a WF (ex: purchase WF). It gives capabilities to change the WF dynamically without having to touch the pages.

Advantages of WF Framework
  • Componentizing of code to execute a different chunk of software at each level
  • Tools to create and modify workflows graphically
  • Ability to monitor the status of the Workflow
  • Rich error handling and provision for rolling back an activity
  • Dynamically modifying the workflow by adding a task

The fundamental components of WF are the following:
Activity: A unit of work. (Some Business Process Managements use the term 'Task')
  • Workflow: A set of activities. Defines the flow of the activities based on business logic.
  • Workflow Designer: a graphical tool, typically hosted by Visual Studio that can be used to create and modify WF workflows and activities.
  • Base activity library: Standard out of the box activities provided by WF.
  • Runtime engine: a WF-supplied library that executes workflows. The runtime engine also provides other services, such as mechanisms for communicating with software outside the workflow. I.e. Assembly method, WCF Service etc.
  • Runtime services: a group of services that workflows can use, including support for transactions, persisting a workflow’s state, tracking its execution, and more.
  • Host process: a Windows application that hosts the WF runtime engine and any workflows it executes.
 There are two kinds of WF
  1. Sequential (has a start and end)
  2. State Transition (jumps from one state to another based on the actions)
Checkout the msdn for the list of Activities of the base activity library.

You can Developing Workflows using Visual Studio designer or by writing code directly writing code.

You will use the following namespaces while coding.
System.Workflow.Activities, System.Workflow.ComponentModel, and System.Workflow.Runtime

Snippet to create a Workflow would be as follows:
 using System.Workflow.Activities;
public class ExampleWorkflow : SequentialWorkflow


Workflows can also be defined using the XML-based extensible Application Markup Language (XAML).
ClrNamespace="System.Workflow.Activities"Assembly="System.Workflow.Activities" ?><="" x:class="ExampleWorkflow" font="">xmlns="Activities" xmlns:x="Definition">

Simple way to create an activity in C# is
using System.Workflow.ComponentModel;
public class ExampleActivity : Activity

 Common Hosting Program will be something like this,
using System.Workflow.Runtime;
class ExampleHost
    static void Main()
        WorkflowRuntime runtime = new WorkflowRuntime();

WF ships with a set of services that allow the runtime to execute within ASP.NET applications.

The ASP.NET-based host that ships with WF relies on SQL Server for persistence.

The WF runtime acts as an intermediary for all communication with all workflows. i.e even for unloaded workflow which are waiting on an input/event to execute the activity.

To communicate with other objects in the same Windows process, a workflow can use two activities in the base activity library.

  1. CallExternalMethod activity: allows calling a method in an object outside the workflow
  2. HandleExternalEvent activity: allows receiving a call from an object outside the workflow.
In order to communicate with the WCF there are two standard Activities
  1. Send: Sends a request using WCF, then optionally waits for a response.
  2. Receive: Receives an incoming request via WCF, then sends a response.

WF ships with some built-in support for roles defined using Windows accounts, Active Directory, and ASP.NET, but other role management systems can also be used.

Windows Workflow Foundation and Windows SharePoint Services:
Using standard WF tools, such as the Workflow Designer, developers can create workflow applications that address document collaboration and other kinds of information sharing.

A very generic framework for designing and developing of Business Processes has been created in the form of Windows Workflow foundation. This should help the developers to speed up the programming and also ensure a better utilization of the Server Process CPU by unloading the idle Processes waiting on external inputs.
Using the framework, developers can also write tools that can help the Business users to track the status of each of the Workflow instances for better management purpose.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Claims based security model in SharePoint 2010

In this article I will try to touch base briefly on the Claims based Security Model support in SharePoint 2010.

SharePoint comes with two kinds of authentication when you are creating a new Web Application.
  1. Classic Mode Authentication (default)
  2. Claims Based Authentication


Classic Mode is just the Windows based authentication and is used for backward compatibility.
The new mode of authentication i.e Claims Based works around the concept of an Identity which is based on the standards of WS-Federation, WS-Trust and Protocols like SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language)
It provides a generic way for applications to acquire identity information from users in/across organizations and also on internet.
Identity information is contained in a security token, often simply called a token. A token contains one or more claims (trusted information) about the user. This information stays with them throughout their session.

This is developed on the Windows Identity framework (WIF). Features of claims-based identity include
  • Authentication across users of Windows-based systems and systems that are not Windows-based.
  • Multiple authentication types.
  • Stronger real-time authentication.
  • A wider set of principal types.
  • Delegation of user identity between applications. (Can resolve Double Hop issues easily)

Out of the box, SharePoint supports authenticating using Windows & Forms (both supported in MOSS), LiveID/OpenID. However, integrating with custom Authentication providers is easily possible as long as the application can trust the Issuing Authority of the Security Tokens.

Definitions of some of the concepts that you need to be aware of are as follows:
  • Identity: security principal used to configure security policy
  • Claim: attribute of an identity (Login Name, AD Group, etc)
  • Issuer: trusted party that creates claims
  • Security Token: serialized set of claims in digitally signed by issuing authority (Windows security token or SAML)
  • Issuing Authority: issues security tokens knowing claims desired by target application
  • Security Token Service (STS): builds, signs and issues security tokens
  • Relying Party: application that makes authorization decisions based on claims

There are two cases of Claims Incoming and an Outgoing. The scenarios are different in the way they get authenticated or validated. See the images below from the MSDN article.
Hope this gives you a start in understanding a very high level concepts of claims based Security Model in SharePoint 2010.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

HTML5! The next generation of HTML

Current browser applications have gone through a phenomenal change. The demand for the market to have richer client has pushed applications like Silverlight, Flash, Java Applets etc. onto the browsers.

However, HTML is still a base for most of the Web Applications (including SharePoint), when it comes to support for all browsers. In order to reduce the dependency of such third party plugins, it was necessary to add more controls into the HTML vocabulary.

HTML5 is still a work in progress. However, most modern browsers have some HTML5 support. Sadly, it is not supported on IE8

One particular thing interested me in HTML5. It’s capability to store data in the client.
It offers two new methods for storing data on the client:
• localStorage - stores data with no time limit
• sessionStorage - stores data for one session

Earlier, cookies were used to store data. It only stored limited information that represents the user. In most cases just a sessionID was stored in Cookie while the actual data was stored in Sessions at Server. The reason of doing that was to reduce the overhead of passing the data between the client and server for every request.

In HTML5, the data do not have to be passed on by every server request, but used ONLY when required. It is possible to store large amounts of data without affecting the website's performance.

The data is stored in different areas for different websites, and a website can only access data stored by it.

I am sure this will open the doors for a lot of offline capabilities of the web sites.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Overriding SharePoint My Profile: Ask me About (Expertise) links

My Profile home page comes with a Ask Me About web part. Which is nothing but a list of Expertise each user would have updated the User Profile to let the others know about the expertise.
Any users who browser through the profile and clicks on the Expertise link then it will open up in the Noteboard web part. This posts the question to the person who has updated the expertise.
If the Noteboard web part is disabled then it opens the question in the Mail client available in the machine.

There was some bug in this that it opens up a mail client and also a blank browser window. On closer observation found that clicking on the Expertise link was calling a Java Script function NavigateToNoteboard().
This javascript was coming from the WebPart whose page, I was not able to find or did not want to change as it was a standard web part being used every where.

This is where I figured out that you could override javascript and the behavior is that the last javascript in a page overrides the others. So a simple hack of overriding this javascript immediately after the Web Part control registration solved the problem.

Here is the link that I used in my overriden Javascript for opening the question in  a mail client.

document.location.href = "mailto:" + toAddress + "?subject=" + subject;

Hope this was useful.. In the above, I was able to showcase
  1. The bug that opens a blank web page when Noteboard web part is removed.
  2. Overriding the Javascript
  3. Opening a mail client through JavaScript

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Some Usability concerns on SharePoint 2010

This article lists some of the UI concerns faced during my work in the last 3 weeks. Hopefully Microsoft improves the some of these in the next patch.

  1. User Profile Property view takes a lot of time to load: No idea what is going on here.
  2. User Profile AD Sync with users 35K records takes a lot of time in loading the top level tree. To even expand the tree it does go through minutes of wait time. There is no visual indicator during the wait.
  3. User Profile Property assoication with BDC: Here the default view makes the user to beleive that the association is already made.
  4. External content type picker doesnt show proper values. It just shows the Source i.e DB Name for SQL Server type. It gets very confusing when there are multiple Content Types which share the same db but map to different tables.
  5. View distorts the user id. Especially after setting the admin credentials for the Secure Storage Service. Ex: server\administrator becomes  i:0#.w server\administrator ;  This makes the user thinking if he has given the correct values or not.
  6. Changing the master page on the Search Site Collection and trying to add a web part page did not provide a scroll bar to find the Add button. Luckily the tabs were working.
  7. MySite manage keywords page is skewed.
I am all excited to head back home from my SharePoint onsite assignment. If my next assignment is in SharePoint then I may add more stuff under this blog.